Free online group-Session with the New Moon 11.Jan

The last open (free) Wild Flow Portal gathering like this- from the next ones will primarily be for people that have taken my courses & Sessions. With options for those new to my space to pay a small fee to attend.

This is is mainly a “show-up-as-you-are” gathering- with just gentle and light (little) facilitation with elements like energy work, dearmouring, gentle breathwork, somatic exploration & emotional release.

I call it a “ritual”- because that for me means to have an intention & give more presence and awareness.

This is mainly a place to show up in whatever is alive for you- with minimum participation required.

The Wild Flow Portal is created to have community for clients and course-members (of past or current courses), as well as being an opportunity for people that are curious about my work to explore and experience my Energy.

Please note for the 11.Jan there will be a Journalist present at my end. Your face will not be photographed and there will be no mention of what you share (if you share). I have a bigger media outlet doing a article about me, and so they are there to see how I do my work.

I send you love- and I hope to see you there ❤️ Secure your spot with signing up through the link below

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